3,015 messages sent to MPs

Brexit: Where are we? What happens next? What does it mean for Wales? | BRECSIT: Ble rydym ni? Beth sy’n digwydd nesaf? Beth mae’n ei olygu i Gymru?

Aberystwyth Morlan Centre, Queen's Road, Aberystwyth | Canolfan Morlan, Morfa Mawr, Aberystwyth

A public discussion with experts from Aberystwyth University 

Organised by the Centre for Welsh Politics and Society / WISERD@Aberystwyth


Dr Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins (Geography);

Professor Emyr Lewis (Law);

Dr Huw Lewis (Politics)

Professor Nick Perdikis (Economics);

Professor Michael Woods (Geography)

Chair: Dr Anwen Jones (Pro Vice-Chancellor)

All Welcome – Free Entry


Trafodaeth gyhoeddus gydag arbenigwyr o Brifysgol Aberystwyth

Trefnir gan Canolfan Gwleidyddiaeth a Chymdeithas Cymru / WISERD@Aberystwyth


Dr Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins (Daearyddiaeth)

Yr Athro Emyr Lewis (Cyfraith)

Dr Huw Lewis (Gwleidyddiaeth)

Yr Athro Nick Perdikis (Economeg)

Yr Athro Michael Woods (Daearyddiaeth)

Cadeirydd: Dr Anwen Jones (Ddirprwy Is-Ganghellor)

Croeso i Bawb – Mynediad am ddim 

Interested in attending?

For more information, contact the Centre for Welsh Politics and Society: cwpstaff@aber.ac.uk

Am ragor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â: Canolfan Gwleidyddiaeth a Chymdeithas Cymru: cwpstaff@aber.ac.uk