3,015 messages sent to MPs

Carmarthen Street Stall

Carmarthen WHSmith, Guildhall Square, Carmarthen, SA31 1PN

Join Carmarthenshire for Europe outside WHSmith this Saturday as we bring the pro-European message to the people and call on MPs to #LetUsBeHeard.

The people deserve to have the final say on Brexit in a free and fair People’s Vote.

Ymunwch â ni yng Nghaerfyrddin ty allan i WHSmith Dydd Sadwrn yma i helpu ni rhannu ein neges Ewropeaidd i’r bobl a hefyd galw ar ein ASau i gefnogi rhoi’r gair olaf ar Brexit nôl i’r bobl try Pleidlais y Bobl.

Interested in attending?